About village Žabčice

  • Žabčice is located approximately 25km south from Brno and cca 5km south from Židlochovice.
  • As an origin of the village is considered a small "fortress" from the Middle Age, called "Koválov"
    Many archeological surveys took place in this area and remains of the fortress, church as well as small settlements were discovered.
  • Dominance of the village is a Chapel, dedicated to St. Lawrence, patron of the village. As well as the chapel, the "St. Lawrence feast" takes place every year in August to honor his memory.
  • There are plenty of places ideal for sportst, for example: artificial football pitch, outdoor tennis courts or a bowling alley with an outdoor pub nearby.
  • Indoor sports hall with a small fitness centre is also available (more information at http://www.hala-zabcice.cz/news.php)
  • The bicycle path from Brno to Vienna passes through Žabčice, ideal for summer bicycle or inline trip.
  • In summer months there is also an option to visit an outdoor swimming pool with a toboggan. (more information athttp://www.koupakzabcice.cz/ )
  • During winter, the artificial ice surface is built every year
  • Many children playgrounds are located in Žabčice, one of them even in our hotel.
  • Near the main crossroads in the village lies a beautiful artificial pond with a variety of fish as well as frogs.
  • Žabčice is a part of integrated traffic system of South moravia district, which includes perfect bus and train connection to Žabčice. (more information as well as the bus and train schedules at https://jizdnirady.idnes.cz/vlakyautobusy/spojeni/
  • Around the whole village lies a multitude of wineyards, mainly belonging to local wine producers. All of those wineyards belong to so called "Velké Pavlovice growing area"
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